Friday, October 1, 2010


    Hi, my name is Jeremy Kreis. I have been living in Hawaii for two years, and have just recently realized I am addicted to hiking. I started exploring the various valleys and ridges of Oahu in June with a newly formed hiking group. What was once a weekend excursion has become slightly more which, in my boredom, prompted me to start a blog about my hikes. Facebook just doesn't suffice. In the coming weeks I plan to recap all the hikes/climbs I have done thus far, and in the future post videos also. As soon as I get my hands on a gopro, I want to record complete trails for my records. Something that I haven't really seen any of the other hawaii hikers exress any interest in doing.


  1. Wow! All I can say is wow! I bet you are having the time of your life! I watched that U-tube where you were given credit for the 3rd person to make the hike...Had me a bit worried!

    Your Dad!

  2. Pu'u Manamana isn't as bad as it looks. No need to worry.
